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Vasya (English, Russian & German DVD)

Vasya (English, Russian & German DVD)
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Vasiliy Sitnikov was officially declared insane, and he spent his life in and out of mental institutions. Yet, he is the key figure of the non-conformist art movement in the former Soviet Union. "Vasya" left behind astonishing works of art, some of which found their way into the Museum of Modern Art in New York and numerous private collections, yet he remains a compelling, controversial mystery. Who was this incredible artist? Why does his legend still confound those who knew him? In this award-winning film, Andrei Zagdansky combines documentary and dramatic footage to create a riveting portrait of a man, an artist and the society around him. In English, Russian, and German with English subtitles.

Product ID: 107971
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting languages: German, Russian
Platforms/media types: DVD
2002 -- 60 mins
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