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Modern Persian Poetry in Persian/Farsi.

Modern Persian Poetry in Persian/Farsi.
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Modern Persian Poetry in Persian/Farsi by Nazanin Mirsadeghi.

Product ID: 505619     ISBN-10: 1939099676
Category: Poetry
Supporting languages: Farsi (Persian), Persian (Farsi)
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Paperback : 128 pages
This book is an easy-to-read anthology of modern Persian poems. While this anthology by no means represents all modern Persian poets and their masterworks, the poems presented in this book have been carefully selected solely based on ease of language, for learning purposes. As a result, some modern Persian poets and their masterpieces have been excluded because of the complexity of their poems. The poems in this anthology have been sequenced based on ease, from easy to more difficult, regardless of the poet. Therefore, you may find various poems from the same poet at various points throughout this selection. To ease your learning experience, the difficult terms in each poem have been underlined and translations of those terms have been provided at the end of each poem. A brief biography of each featured poet has also been provided at the end of the book.
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