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Casa moderna: Medio siglo de arquitectura domestica colombiana (Hardcover)

Casa moderna: Medio siglo de arquitectura domestica colombiana (Hardcover)
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1998 Premio Bienal: Historia

This tribute to the past half-century of domestic architecture in Colombia celebrates the works of Dicken Castro, Rogelio Salmona, Fernando Martínez Sanabria, and Hernán Vieco—designers who have distinctive and innovative interpretations of the modern home. Revealing the challenges they have faced and their remarkable solutions, this visual presentation shows how they have constructed houses that blend functionalism, creativity, and simplicity and are at the same time a pleasure to inhabit.

Recorra el último medio siglo de arquitectura doméstica en Colombia y descubra por qué constituye una de las muestras de mayor alcance e importancia en el escenario de la arquitectura latinoamericana. Descubra cómo Rogelio Salmona, Dicken Castro, Hernán Vieco y Fernando Martínez Sanabria, entre otros grandes nombres de la arquitectura moderna colombiana, han sabido dar a cada una de sus creaciones la identidad única que refleja los rasgos indisolubles de sus creadores.

Alberto Saldarriaga Roa is an award-winning architect who has developed research studies on urban and architecture topics in Colombia and Latin America. He teaches architecture at the National University of Colombia.

Product ID: 500816
Category: Architecture
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • 280 pages, Cloth, 9 x 11
  • 239 Color Photos, Four-color Interior
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
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