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Languages > Zulu
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Language Information

Zulu is one of the major Bantu languages of South Africa. The home of the Zulus, Zululand, is located in the province of Natal, in the eastemmost part of the Republic of South Africa. The language is closely related to Xhosa and Swazi, the three belonging to the Nguni branch of the Bantu family. There are about 8 million speakers.

Zulu is spoken/used in the following countries:
Mozambique, South Africa.

Language Family
Family: Niger-Congo
Subgroup: Benue-Congo
Branch: Beatu

Copyright © Kenneth Katzner, The Languages of the World, Published by Routledge.

Writing Sample

Writing Sample


Bury me where the grasses grow
Below the weeping willow trees
To let their branches shed upon me
Leaves of varied greens.
Then, as I lie there, I shall hear
The grasses sigh a soft behest:
"Sleep, beloved one, sleep and rest."

Bury me in a place like this:
Where those who scheme and give their tongues
To plots and anger, never can
Displace the earth that covers me
Nor ever keep me from my sleep.
If you who read these lines should chance
To find me, 0 then bury me
Where grasses whisper this behest:
"Sleep, beloved one, sleep and rest."


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