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Yoga - A Gem for Women

Yoga - A Gem for Women
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Yoga : A Gem for Women
This well illustrated book highlights the importance of Yoga in a woman's life and gives a variety of asanas with their physical and curative values.

Yoga is considered uniquely instrumental in the search for self-realization, and through it the realization of God. The author Geeta Iyengar who has mastered the subtle techniques of this art has presented in this book a variety of asanas known for their physical and curative values, Pranayama with its Bandhas and Dhyana or meditation.

The asanas in this book are divided into various sections dealing with simple standing positions, forward bends, lateral movements, backward extension of the spine, correct breathing techniques during performance of the asanas and also the effects of them on the body, nerves and the mind. The authors has included simple steps for advancing from a purely physical plane to a higher level of consciousness

Product ID: 45065     ISBN-10: 8170237157
Category: Health
Supporting language: English
Applicable country: India
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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