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With Fire and Sword Ogniem i Mieczem (DVD)

With Fire and Sword Ogniem i Mieczem (DVD)
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At the time of its release, this lavish historical epic was the most expensive Polish film ever made. Based on a novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz (Quo Vadis?), this grand drama is set in 17th century Poland during the Cossack uprising against the Polish nobility. As the violent confrontation builds, there is also a battle for the heart of a beautiful girl between a dashing Pole and a brutish Ukrainian. This was the first novel in a trilogy of historical adventures by Sienkiewicz; the others (Colonel Wolodyjowski and The Deluge) have also been brought to the screen by director Jerzy Hoffman. In Polish with English subtitles.

Film pokazuje najbarwniejszy i najbardziej kontrowersyjny okres w dziejach Kozaczyzny, gdy ta rozpaczliwie pragnela uzyskac jak najlepsza pozycje w ramach Rzeczypospolitej, a p=zniej poza nia. Dramatyczna walka Kozak=w ukrainskich doprowadzila w rezultacie do ich calkowitego zniewolenia w granicach imperium rosyjskiego. Przeszlosc kozacka, pelna ludzkich tragedii, stala sie nierozerwalna czescia historii Polski i Ukrainy.

Product ID: 107890
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Polish
Platforms/media types: DVD
Cast: Michal Zebrowski, Aleksander Domogarow, Izabella Scorupco,Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Kowalewski. New production of Jerzy Hoffman. Total of 200 minutes. English Subtitled
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