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Languages > Czech > Movies/Videos > Drama > White Dove, The (VHS)
White Dove, The (VHS)

White Dove, The (VHS)
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Directed by Frantisek Vlacil (ADELHEID, MARKETA LAZAROVA) fresh from theatrical revival. "An unusual film of great poetic beauty..." - NY TIMES.
A white carrier pigeon loses its way when it tries to fly home to the Baltic coast, where a young girl anxiously awaits it. Lost, tired, and ill, the bird lands in Prague. It is rescued by an artist and then gradually brought back to health by a small, frail boy. People's lives are changed forever by their encounter with the bird, which provides the heart of this moving story, told in rich black and white photography and striking visual detail. Ultimately uplifting, the film is a metaphor for freedom. Its unforgettable beauty and distinct style earned the film awards and acclaim at film festivals in Venice, Cannes, Montevideo, and Prades. THE WHITE DOVE is the debut feature of Frantisek Vlacil, a master of poetic imagery and the director of the top-ranked Czech film of all time, MARKETA LAZAROVA.

Product ID: 104345
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Czech
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
Specifications: HE WHITE DOVE. Original title: HOLUBICE. With Karel Smyczek, Katerina Irmanova, and Vaclav Irmanov. Music by Zdenek Liska. Cinematography by Jan Curik. Written and directed by Frantisek Vlacil. Czech Republic, 1960, black and white, 67 minutes. Czech dialogue with English subtitles.
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