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Western Influence on Malayalam Language and Literature

Western Influence on Malayalam Language and Literature
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A book that recapitulates and tells the culture of the people of Kerala. A very Good corrective to the danger of the modern scholar often lapsing into a narrow one-track mentality.

'Western' is an omnibus term and comprises all the European nations and America; and 'Malayalam' signifies, not merely the language and the literature, but the whole complex of race, milieu, thought, religion, culture, artistic and literary expression, politics. Western influence on creative literature is not easy to locate or assess, but certainly there is a general climate, an ambience, in modern writing in Malayalam that does reveal something of the distinctive Western 'élan. One senses it, although one cannot submit it to precise measurement of evaluation.

Dr. George's comprehensive study is valuable not only for throwing a revealing light on the immediate subject, but also for its relevance to the wider subject of Western influence on India as a whole. Apart from being a book of very mature scholarship, this work has a refreshing kind of universality eschewing exclusiveness and emphasizing inter-relatedness.


K. M. George is an eminent writer and editor in English and Malayalam. He taught Malayalam literature at Madras Christian College and has been a Visiting Professor at Chicago University and Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. He was Chief Editor of Malayalam Encyclopedia and Comparative Indian Literature. His works have received several literary awards.

Product ID: 44021     ISBN-10: 8126004134
Category: Literature
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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