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Tintin - Vol 714 pour Sydney - French Vol. 22

Tintin - Vol 714 pour Sydney - French Vol. 22
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On their way to an astronautics congress in Sydney, Tintin, Haddock and Calculus meet Skut, a pilot they knew in Coke en Stock. He introduces Laszlo Carreidas, a millionaire aircraft manufacturer who's also going to Sydney. Carreidas offers them a lift on board his brand new jet. During the flight, the jet is highjacked and lands on an Indonesian island where they're welcomed by none but... Rastapopoulos and his accomplice Allan, you want to get access to Carreidas' swiss bank account. Our heroes succeed in escaping from Rastapopoulos' hands and free Carreidas. Seeking refuge in a temple, they meet Mik Ezdanitoff, an "initiate" who reveals to Tintin the temple's true nature: this place has been regularly visited by extraterrestrials for thousands of years. Rastapopoulos, trying to force its entrance, causes a volcanic eruption. Finally, they are all rescued by... a flying saucer. As for Rastapopoulos and Allan, God knows where they land...

Product ID: 109885     ISBN-10: 2203001216
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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