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Tintin - Tintin et les Picaros - French Vol. 23

Tintin - Tintin et les Picaros - French Vol. 23
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ile on a trip to San Theodoros, Bianca Castafiore and Thompson and Thomson get arrested by General Tapioca's regime, on the pretext of weaving a plot which Haddock planed in Marlinspike. After a telegraphic exchange of insults, Haddock and Calculus agree to go to Tapiocapolis to discuss with the general... without Tintin. Gradually, they discover that the invitation was a trap, only to see Tintin finally join them... A fake attempt to escape orchestrated by Tapioca fails and Tintin, Haddock and Calculus succeed in fleeing with General Alcazar. Tho only obstacle standing in the way of his revolution is his troops' alcoholism. Fortunately, Calculus has just invented a new drug and tested it on Haddock, with more than conclusive results... He cures the rebels and, thanks to the providential arrival of Jolyon Wagg and his folk group, they pass unnoticed in the crowd of the carnaval and do their revolution. The Castafiore, Thompson and Thomson are freed and Alcazar is once again back in power.

Product ID: 109886     ISBN-10: 2203001232
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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