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Tintin - Tintin et le secret de la licorne - French Vol. 11

Tintin - Tintin et le secret de la licorne - French Vol. 11
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Tintin buys a model-ship for Captain Haddock. By coincidence, it is the exact replica of the ship his ancestor, Sir Francis Haddock, used to command. Tintin finds in the mast of the ship an undecipherable document. Meanwhile, Haddock has found a chest containing his ancestor's belongings. He and Tintin learn of the existence of a treasure and decide to go after it . The model-ship is stolen and Tintin learns that two other replicas of the ship exist. Tracking the leads he finds the robbers, the Bird Brothers, who live at Marlinspike castle. He gets them arrested and gets back the other two scrolls from a pick-pocket. Once the three scrolls are put back together, all there is to do is find the treasure...

Product ID: 109878     ISBN-10: 2203001100
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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