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Languages > French > Children's Books > Tintin - Tintin On a marché sur la lune - French Vol. 17
Tintin - Tintin On a marché sur la lune - French Vol. 17

Tintin - Tintin On a marché sur la lune - French Vol. 17
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This continuation of Destination Moon begins as the rocket is entering space. After a few minutes of fear during the launching, everything seems to work well and the rocket moves towards the Moon. However, there is a big surprise: both Thompson and Thomson were mistaken in hour and are now on board, what forces Calculus to reduce the length of the voyage. The trip proceeds without too many problems and the rocket lands safely. The spacesuits are put on, the scientific equipment installed, and the exploration begins as Calculus devotes himself to research. During an expedition, Tintin remains on board. At the same time, Jorgen (alias colonel Boris) leaves his hiding-place and prepares to leave with the rocket. Tintin succeeds in stopping him at the last minute. With one more passenger and far from sufficient oxygen reserves, the rocket takes off towards the Earth. On the way back, Jorgen is killed in a dispute and Wolff - Calculus' assistant -, conscience-stricken by his complicity with Jorgen, commits suicide in the hopes of saving the rest of the crew. Finally, the rocket lands safely in Syldavia.

Product ID: 109882
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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