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Tintin - Tintin Le temple du soleil - French Vol. 14

Tintin - Tintin Le temple du soleil - French Vol. 14
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This adventure is the sequel to The Seven Crystal Balls. Tintin and Haddock arrive in Peru, and find Calculus aboard the Pachacamac cargo liner, but the kidnappers succeed in bringing Calculus ashore. While following their traces, Tintin learns of the existence of a mysterious Temple of the Sun, where the remaining Inca civilization lives. They go with Zorrino, a young Quechua Indian, to find Calculus. After having crossed the Andes and the jungle, they finally reach the temple. They learn that Calculus made a sacrilege by wearing Rascar Capac's bracelet and that he will be sacrificed, just like them... Thanks to the plays of chance and eclipses, the three companions are miraculously saved and leave the temple while promising never to reveal its existence...

Product ID: 109880     ISBN-10: 2203001135
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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