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Languages > French > Children's Books > Tintin - Sceptre d'Ottokar, Le (The Scpter of Ottokar) in French Vol. 8
Tintin - Sceptre d'Ottokar, Le (The Scpter of Ottokar) in French Vol. 8

Tintin - Sceptre d'Ottokar, Le (The Scpter of Ottokar) in French Vol. 8
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Tintin meets Professor Alembick who must go to Syldavia, and Tintin accepts to join him as his secretary. He notices on the plane the strange behavior of the professor but he is ejected from the plane. Saved by a miracle, Tintin learns about a conspiracy against the king and goes to Klow to warn him. Someone is going to steal the sceptre that he is supposed to show the people on the day of Saint Vladimir in order to be able to reign. In spite of all the security measures, the theft occurs and Tintin has to investigate. He discovers the truth about this plot. Borduria, its neighbor ennemy country shall invade Syldavia after the chaos caused by the fall of the king. Tintin finds the sceptre and the Bordurian plan fails. The real Professor Alembick is freed and the king awards Tintin a medal.

Product ID: 109815
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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