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Languages > French > Children's Books > Tintin - Les Bijoux de la Castafiore in French Vol. 21
Tintin - Les Bijoux de la Castafiore in French Vol. 21

Tintin - Les Bijoux de la Castafiore in French Vol. 21
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Everything is going well at Marlinspike, except the staircase where a step is broken. A letter from Castafiore announces her arrival. While in a hurrying to leave, Haddock breaks his foot. He has to stay home and face the musical catastrophe. Accompanied by her chambermaid Irma and her pianist Igor Wagner, Bianca settles in the castle. Soon follows a horde of journalists who come up with the idea of marriage between her and Haddock. Then, Bianca's famous emerald disappears. Thompson and Thomson investigate and question the "suspects": Nestor, then Irma, then Calculus, and then the Gypsies... Finally, the emerald is found... in the nest of a magpie.

Product ID: 109884     ISBN-10: 2203001208
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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