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Tintin - Etoile mystérieuse, L' - French Vol. 10

Tintin - Etoile mystérieuse, L' - French Vol. 10
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Tintin, intrigued by the appearance of a new star, makes it to the observatory, and meets there Professor Phostle who reveals to him the nature of this astroid : it is a gigantic meteorite on its way to Earth to cause the end of the world. Luckily the meteorite avoids the Earth, but a particle falls into the Artic Ocean. Phostle discovers the presence of an unknown metal and organizes an expedition with Tintin and Haddock. In spite of another ship's attempt to stop them, they manage to reach the aerolithe first, and Tintin takes possession of it. The new meteorite shows some oddities: everything grows bigger at its contact. The aerolithe sinks into the ocean but Tintin escapes from it and saves a sample of the precious metal. Mission accomplished and back to Europe...

Product ID: 109877     ISBN-10: 2203001097
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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