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Languages > Tigrinya > Children's Books > Baby~K > The power of caba - The Magic Cape
The power of caba - The Magic Cape

The power of caba - The Magic Cape
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The power of caba

This is the story of two kids, Matty & Betty, discovering the magical power of the Caba, a cape worn by elders on special events and newlyweds on their wedding day. They learn The Power of the Caba from their parents, real-life superheroes, who learned it from their fore-bearers as well. The special power of the Caba is the power of wisdom. The story teaches kids that they can also be superheroes through learning their heritage and reading, a whole lot of it.

Product ID: 505628     ISBN-13: 9781656070135
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Baby~K
Supporting language: Tigrinya
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Paperback: 25 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.06 x 8.5 inches
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