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The Wong Kar-Wai Collection (DVD)

The Wong Kar-Wai Collection (DVD)
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Dubbed "the most romantic filmmaker in the world" (Richard Corliss, Time), Wong Kar-wai brings a bold visual style to unique love stories set amongst the young and disenfranchised in his native Hong Kong. His feature debut, As Tears Go By (1988, 102 mins.), is the story of two street gang members - a young upstart and his mentor. When love enters the life of the elder, he contemplates leaving the streets for another life. A Cantonese Rebel Without a Cause, Days of Being Wild (1990, 94 mins.) binds together the lives of six young people in Hong Kong during the '60s. Chungking Express (1994, 102 mins.) is a dream-like valentine to youth and hopeless love that juxtaposes two offbeat stories with beautiful, mysterious women and colorful cops against a backdrop of a Chinese fast-food restaurant. In the neo-noir fantasy, Fallen Angels (1996, 95 mins.), a hitman is the object of unrequited passion for two women: the female agent who hands down his assignments, and an orange-haired punkette name Baby. Happy Together (1997, 98 mins.) uses gorgeous, saturated images set to an eclectic soundtrack of classic tangos, torch songs and Frank Zappa instrumentals to chronicle the stormy affair of a gay couple living as expatriates in Buenos Aires. All films in Cantonese with English subtitles.

Product ID: 108042
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting languages: Cantonese (Chinese), Chinese
Platforms/media types: DVD
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