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The Twisted Doors for French (Les Portes Tordues) book & CD

The Twisted Doors for French (Les Portes Tordues) book & CD
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* 46 chapters, 165-167 pages, 37 Victorian-like ink illustrations, 8½" X 10¾" * Bilingual French-English or Spanish-English illustrated mystery and grammar COMBINED with easy-to-follow read-along audio CD * Each chapter cleverly integrates vocabulary, expressions, grammar, tests, and answers into the mystery * Precise line-by-line and virtual word-for-word English translation of the French or Spanish text * A must for beginning to intermediate students and adults, self-learners, foreign language teachers, G/T students, and travelers * Great for independent study, classrooms, homework * Unique mystery-driven format makes learning French or Spanish fun and exciting. Motivates readers of ALL ages * Complete French or Spanish vocabulary and expression index included with chapter reference. No dictionaries needed! * As taught at Purdue University's Gifted Education Resource Institute, GERI , West Lafayette, Indiana * Audio book CD (a top ten audio resource!) enhances the suspense and enables the reader to listen to the story and improve his/her comprehension of spoken French or Spanish. Spanish edition: the native speakers on the CD are from Latin America * The French and Spanish editions feature the same English text. Buy both the French and Spanish versions and compare the French, Spanish, and English texts!

Product ID: 108745     ISBN-13: 9780971022713     ISBN-10: 0971022712
Category: Learn
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
Specifications: AUDIO CD * Read along and listen to the captivating mystery and improve or perfect your comprehension of spoken French or Spanish! * Clear and riveting narration by native-speaking university instructors. Spanish edition: the native speakers are from Latin America * Composed of 46 tracks covering all 46 gripping chapters of the mystery without the grammar sections, therefore doubles as a stand-alone audiobook! * Compatible with PC CD-ROMs, Mac CD-ROMs, Car, Portable, and Home Stereos
STUDENT & TEACHER FRIENDLY! * No searching for the English translation or a vocabulary word. It's there! * No searching for the answer key in a remote appendix. It's there! * Pages are printed to facilitate comparison between the English text and the French or Spanish text * Allotted space for note taking * Very easy portability
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