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The Samurai Trilogy (DVD Box Set)

The Samurai Trilogy (DVD Box Set)
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Based on the novel that has been called Japan’sGone with the Wind, Hiroshi Inagaki’s acclaimed Samurai Trilogy is a sweeping saga of the legendary 17th-century samurai Musashi Miyamoto (powerfully portrayed by Toshiro Mifune) set against the turmoil of a devastating civil war, and follows Musashi’s odyssey from unruly youth to enlightened warrior. The first installment, Musashi Miyamoto, finds the hero’s dreams of military glory ending in betrayal, but the fugitive swordsman finds salvation in the love of a woman and a cunning priest who guides him to the samurai path. In the second, Duel at Ichijoji Temple, the itinerant Musashi is set upon by 80 samurai disciples—orchestrated by the villainous Kojiro—while the women who love him watch helplessly. In the final chapter, Duel at Ganryu Island—Musashi must decide between two women as he prepares to battle for supremacy in a climactic confrontation with his lifelong nemesis. (1954,1955,1956)

Product ID: 105777     ISBN-10: 0780028813
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Old Classics
Supporting language: Japanese
Platforms/media types: DVD
Specifications: Director: Hiroshi Inagaki Starring: Toshiro Mifune Rated: NR (Not Rated). Language: Japanese with optional English subtitles. ISBN: 0-78002-881-3 Region: Region 1. Format(s): Color. Length: Runtime 93/103/104 minutes.
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