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The Muslim Prayer Encyclopedia

The Muslim Prayer Encyclopedia
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A complete guide to prayers as taught by the Prophet Muhammad. This book presents before the reader a comprehensive overview of the teachings about prayer, and the particular practice and recommendations of the Blessed Messenger of Allah.

An indispensable guide to the content and practice of Muslim prayer, based on a comprehensive study of all the authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad as presented in the collection of Bukhari, Abu Dawud and Muslim.

It covers every topic, including the basic outline to guide the beginner's performance of the rak'ah, a selection of prayers and blessings for particular occasions, a guide to the correct behavior in the mosque and the performance of congregational prayer, thoughts on the importance of the realization of the Compassion and Mercy of Allah, the ministry of healing, and prayer for the deceased.

True to the spirit of the hadith collections themselves, it also includes interesting details of the Blessed Prophet's private prayers and what it was like for a child to spend a night in his company; From the sublime to the mundane, it also picks out such fascinating matters as correct toilet procedure and the medical use of camel's urine.

Product ID: 102622
Category: Religious Studies
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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