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Languages > Pashto > Children's Books > The Man and the Fox in English and Pashtu
The Man and the Fox in English and Pashtu

The Man and the Fox in English and Pashtu
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The Man and the Fox in English and Pashtu

A man tricks a young fox into believing that he will give him a chicken. The fox is trapped, but through ingenuity and perseverance, he escapes. Reading this story inspires children to face challenges directly, and even to use the obstacles in their paths to solve problems. This story belongs to the rich and ancient storytelling tradition of Central Asia and the Middle East. Retold here by the author and educator Idries Shah, it is one of a series of illustrated books for the young. These tales are designed to foster thinking skills and perception. In an entertaining way, the stories introduce children to interesting aspects of human behavior and help them learn to recognize these patterns in daily life.

Product ID: 505666     ISBN-10: 1944493581
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades 3~5, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting language: Pashto
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Age: 4 - 12 years 40 pages. English / Pashtu
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