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The House of Bernarda Alba (Spanish DVD)

The House of Bernarda Alba (Spanish DVD)
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Based on the play by Federico Garcia Lorca, Mario Camus' film tells the story of a cold-blooded provincial widow and her five adult daughters. Bernarda (Irene Gutirrez Caba) rules her wealthy household with an iron fist. After the death of their father, Bernarda locks her daughters in the house for an eight-year mourning period, acquiescing only to the courtship of her eldest, Angustias (Enriqueta Caballeira), by Pepe el Romano, a mysterious nobleman. Because Pepe is the only eligible bachelor in town, the younger sisters fall in love with him as well, a fact that has tragic consequences for the entire family. Beautifully shot and acted, the film conveys both the claustrophobia and beauty of a sequestered household. In Spanish with English subtitles.

Product ID: 108178
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: DVD
1987 -- 103 mins.
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