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The Celebration - in Danish (DVD)
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Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival, this riveting feature, filmed in a deliberately raw fashion, veers between being the bleakest of tragedies and the most astonishing of black comedies. A well-to-do family gathers for a weekend reunion, where rivalries and insecurities pale next to the dark secret shared by the father and his favorite son. Made as part of the Dogme 95 collective (which includes Lars Von Trier), a group devoted to making movies with as little technical polish as possible--no artificial lighting, sets or props, with an emphasis on hand-held camerawork and gritty realism. This film was shot on digital video before being transferred to film. "Imagine Eugene O'Neill and Woody Allen collaborating on a screenplay about a family reunion. Now let Luis Bunuel direct it" (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times). In German and Danish with English subtitles.

Product ID: 109634
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Danish
Applicable country: Denmark
Platforms/media types: DVD
1998 106 mins
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