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The Arabic Language and National Identity - A Study in Ideology

The Arabic Language and National Identity - A Study in Ideology
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Considering the communicative and symbolic roles of language in articulating national identity, Yasir Suleiman provides a fresh perspective on nationalism in the Middle East. The links between language and nationalism are delineated and he demonstrates how this has been articulated over the past two centuries.

Straddling the domains of cultural and political nationalism, Suleiman examines the Arab past (looking at the interpretation and reinvention of tradition, and myth-making); the clash between Arab and Turkish cultural nationalism in the 19th and early 20th century; readings of canonical treatises on the topic of Arab cultural nationalism, the major ideological trends linking language to territorial nationalism; and provides a research agenda for the study of language and nationalism in the Arab context.

This the first full-scale study of this important topic and will be of interest to students of nationalism, Arab and comparative politics, Arabic Studies, history, cultural studies and sociolinguistics.

Product ID: 502436
Categories: Culture & Tradition, History, Learn, Politics, Sociolinguistics
Supporting languages: Arabic, English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • Book (Paperback)
  • 6x9
  • 288 pages
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
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