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Talk Now Vocabulary Builder Papiamento

Talk Now Vocabulary Builder Papiamento
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Learning new words really is child's play with this cartoon disc for 4-12 year olds. Each disc in this 'Vocabulary Builder' includes four favourite childen's stories which youngsters can listen to as the animated action unfolds, but there's much more! You can record yourself narrating the story on screen - then play it back.

You can also play games including spotting the different animals in a meadow, painting the teddy bear different colors and telling the time - all in a foreign language!

Listen/Ecoutez Bien brings traditional English or French Language lessons to life for teenagers and adults. Each disc helps you learn all the usual words you would be given in a classroom. Instead of having to memorise them from a list, it challenges you to learn by being asked questions about them in a foreign language. By recording your voice it perfects your accent and by asking questions it tests your understanding. Could you get full marks? Each disc covers ten fully illustrated topics.

Product ID: 42850     ISBN-13: 9781862211841     ISBN-10: 1862211841
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn, Learn > Vocabulary
Supporting language: Papiamento
Platforms/media types: Mac, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000
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