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Languages > Spanish > Software - Windows > Spanish Adobe PageMaker 7.0 for Windows

Spanish Adobe PageMaker 7.0 for Windows
Buy now for $810.00 Add to Cart
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Ships in 5 - 7 business days.

Adobe PageMaker 7.0 software is the ideal page layout program for business, education, and small- and home-office professionals who want to create high-quality publications such as brochures and newsletters. Get started quickly with templates, graphics, and intuitive design tools; work productively across Adobe applications; and easily leverage existing content to create customized communications. Create a wide variety of publications in Adobe PageMaker 7.0, from simple one-page flyers to complex reports. Build your own publications from scratch, or take advantage of hundreds of pre-designed templates that you can modify to suit your needs. Quickly lay out publications by creating frames to hold text and graphics, applying master pages to apply different page designs within a single publication, and using layers to set up a single file for multiple versions of a publication. Type and format text directly in layout view, or edit using the built-in story editor. Typeset your text professionally by using kerning and tracking.

Product ID: 104660
Categories: Desk Top Publishing, Graphics/Drawing, Localized Prod, Software - Windows
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Localized Windows, CD-Rom
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