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Sienkiewicz Epic Trilogy (DVD)

Sienkiewicz Epic Trilogy (DVD)
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Set contains all three films by director Jerzy Hoffman, based on novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz: With Fire and Sword

This grand drama is set in 17th century Poland during the Cossack uprising against the Polish nobility. While the violent confrontation builds, there is also a battle for the heart of a beautiful girl between a dashing Pole and a brutish Ukrainian.

The Deluge

The action takes place in the 17th century, the turbulent period of the Polish-Swedish war. The plot is woven around the stormy love of th emain character in the film, Andrzej Kmicic (played by Daniel Olbrychski), for a young gentlewoman named Olenka. Much of this exciting and romantic film was shot in authentic, ancient Polish castles.

Colonel Wolodyjowski

Set in the year 1668, at the time of Turkish invasion of Poland's eastern frontier. The Polish troops, under the leadership of Colonel Wolodyjowski (Tadeusz Lomnicki), form an alliance with a group of Polish Tartars, and amount a final defense against the massive army of the Turkish Sultan. A Landmark epic of battle, love, and betrayal.

Product ID: 107889
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Polish
Platforms/media types: DVD
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