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Shakhal - Animated Stories (CD-ROM)

Shakhal - Animated Stories (CD-ROM)
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This is an interactive CD for children based on the Amar Chitra Katha comics. The CD is targeted at children between 5 and 12 years of age. Based on three stories chosen from the 'Jataka', 'Hitopadesha' and 'Panchatantra' tales, the CD seeks to recreate the richness and depth of Indian folklore for childern to play and learn.

The stories are set in two modes, play and read along.This animation rekindles interest in ancient Indian folklore through musical representation of visuals, well conceived and executed characters. As you enjoy the rhapsodical unfurling of the story-line, you are coaxed by a monkey, who acts as a facilitator, to move the tiles to sort out the picture puzzle, to paint the pictures yourself or solve a crossword with clues. That's the energy of the animation.

This CD ROM, adapting timeless tales to today's hi-tech media, is conceived to serve the needs of a new generation of childern.

Product ID: 45746
Categories: Children's Books, Software - Windows
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Windows 95/98, CD-Rom, Windows 2000, Windows ME
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