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Languages > Italian > Classroom/Schools > Set of 16 Italian Vocabulary Posters (Italian)
Set of 16 Italian Vocabulary Posters (Italian)

Set of 16 Italian Vocabulary Posters (Italian)
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Set of 16 Italian Vocabulary Posters (Italian)

All Italian Vocabulary Posters Each vocabulary poster illustrates 20 high-frequency words closely related to the theme of the poster. Since each poster focusses on a specific topic, these Word Picture Posters may be used in conjunction with any commercial language program.

included are: Sports, Activities, Articles of Clothing, Means of Transportation, At the Farm, At the Zoo, At the Farm, In the Kitchen, Fruit, Vegetables, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, At School, At the Circus, Valentine's Day, Easter, Misc.

Product ID: 505069
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Posters
Supporting language: Italian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Each poster: 18"x24".
The Holiday Posters are so designated since they are not meant to be cultural, in reference to the target language but in a North American context. Halloween and Thanksgiving are not celebrated in many countries but students learning the target language in Canada or in the US wants to be able to talk about these themes. The Vocabulary Posters illustrate the necessary lexical terms for them to do so.
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