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Saeed - An Actor's Journey

Saeed - An Actor's Journey
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In his own original, inimitable style Saeed takes the reader through his exotic life's journey, and gives honest accounts of the ladies he has loved, and personal impressions of the legends he has met or worked with.

Through sheer talent and determination, Saeed won a fullbright scholarship to America where he was the first Indian actor to tour with a Shakespeare company and the first to appear on Broadway. From there he came to England and began his life's work, on stage, screen and radio and to the completely different environment of Bollywood - the extraordinary Bombay world of the Indian film industry, also vividly described.

All in all this is a multifaceted life story - modes, funny, moving and very human - written by the first Asian actor ever to receive the British and Canadian Academy Award nominations for acting, and the first ever to be awarded the Order of the British Empire for his services to drama.

AUTHOR: Saeed Jaffery was born in India, trained in New York and has worked in radio, film, TV and on the stage. He has three daughters and is married to the successful agent and casting director, Jennifer Jaffery.

Product ID: 44019
Categories: Biographies, Cinema, Personality
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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