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Languages > Welsh > Routledge Welsh - Basic Welsh - A Grammar and Handbook
Routledge Welsh - Basic Welsh - A Grammar and Handbook

Routledge Welsh - Basic Welsh - A Grammar and Handbook
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Unique in its combination of detailed grammar and challenging exercises, this workbook is an important supplement to any study in modern Welsh language. With emphasis on colloquial, spoken Welsh as used by modern-day native speakers, Basic Welsh is intended as a grammar-based self-tutor for those in the earlier stages of learning Welsh.

Features include almost forty grammar points with full explanations in clear language; a wide range of increasingly challenging exercises; an answer key for each test; and a Welsh-English/English-Welsh glossary. Used together with its sister volume, Intermediate Welsh, these grammars will support study of the language up to the advanced level.

Product ID: 101783     ISBN-13: 9780415120968     ISBN-10: 0415120969
Categories: Learn, Learn, Learn > Beginners, Learn > Grammar
Supporting language: Welsh
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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