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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Vol 2

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Vol 2
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 2 (Paperback) by Guanzhong Luo (Author), C. H. Brewitt-Taylor (Author), Robert E. Hegel (Introduction) "In spite of the persuasion of P'ang T'ung and Fa Cheng, Lui Pei steadily refused to sanction the assassination of his host, even if thereby

Product ID: 110218
Category: Literature
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Table Of Contents Rescue of O-tou by Chao Yun: Ts'ao Ts'ao Repulsed by a Letter 3 (12) Taking of Fou Pass: Yang and Kao Slain: Siege of Lo City: Huang and Wei Rivals 15 (13) Chuko Liang Mourns for P'ang T'ung: Chang Fei Releases Yen Yen 28 (12) Plan for the Capture of Chang Jen: Borrowing Soldiers to Destroy Ma Ch'ao 40 (12) Great Battle at Chiaming Pass: Liu Pei Takes the Governorship of Ichou 52 (14) Kuan Yu Goes to a Feast Alone, but Armed: Fu Huang-hou Dies for the State 66 (12) Ts'ao Ts'ao Conquers Hanchung: Chang Liao Spreads Terror at Chaoyao Ford 78 (12) Kan Ning's Hundred Horsemen Raid the Enemy's Camp: Tso Tz'u's Flung-down Cup Fools Ts'ao Ts'ao 90 (13) Kuan Lu Takes the Sortes by the ``Book of Changes'': Loyal Subjects Die for Their Country 103 (13) Fierce Chang Fei Takes a Position by Guile: Aged Huang Chung Captures a Hilly by Stratagem 116 (11) At the Capture of Tui Hill Huang Chung Scores a Success: On the Han Waters Chao Yun Conquers a Host 127 (12) Chuko Liang's Wit Takes Hanchung: Ts'ao A-man's Army Retires up Hsiehku 139 (10) Yuan-te Becomes Prince of Hanchung: Yun-ch'ang Attacks and Occupies Hsiangyang 149 (12) P'ang Te Takes His Coffin on a Campaign: Kuan Yu Drowns His Enemies 161 (10) Surgery on a Wounded Arm: Lu Meng in a White Robe Crosses the River 171 (9) Hsu Fights on the Mein River: Kuan Retreats to Maich'eng 180 (10) Kuan Yu Manifests His Sacred Character at the Jade Fount Hill: Ts'ao Ts'ao is Possessed at Loyang 190 (10) Hua T'o, Treating Ts'ao Ts'ao, Himself Dies: Ts'ao Ts'ao's Last Words and Death 200 (10) A Cruel Brother: A Poem: An Undutiful Nephew: Punishment 210 (9) Deposition of the Emperor: The Prince of Han Chung Claims to be the True Successor 219 (11) Chang Fei is Assassinated: The First Ruler Goes to War 230 (10) Sun Ch'uan Submits to Wei and is Rewarded: The First Ruler Attacks Wu and Rewards His Army 240 (10) Fighting at Hsiaot'ing: The First Ruler Captures Certain Enemies: Defence of Chiangk'ou: A Student Accepts Supreme Command 250 (13) Lu Hsun Burns His Enemy's Camps: K'ung-ming Plans the Eight Arrays 263 (12) Liu, the First Ruler, Confides his Son to K'ung-ming's Care: Chuko Liang Peacefully Settles the Five Attacks 275 (12) A Philosophical Encounter: Fire Used to Destroy Ts'ao Pei's Army 287 (12) K'ung-ming's Southern Expedition: The King of the Mans 299 (11) Crossing the River Lu: Binding of the Barbarian King: Recognising a Pretended Surrender: Capture of Menghuo 310 (11) K'ung-ming's Successful Fourth Ruse: The King of the Mans Captured for the Fifth Time 321 (13) Wild Beasts as Warriors: K'ung-ming's Sixth Victory: Burning of the Rattan Army: Seventh Capture of the King 334 (14) Sacrifice at Lu Shui: Homeward March: Attack on the Capital: Chuko's Memorial 348 (12) Chao Yun Slays Five Captains: K'ung-ming Craftily Takes Three Cities 360 (10) Chiang Wei Goes over to K'ung-ming: K'ung-ming Reviles Wang Lang, Who Dies 370 (12) Chuko Smites the Barbarians in a Snowstorm: Ssuma Quickly Captures Meng Ta 382 (12) Ma Su's Wrangling Loses Chieht'ing: K'ung-ming's Lute Repulses Ssuma 394 (12) K'ung-Ming Weeps, but Puts Ma Su to Death: Chou Fang Cuts off His Hair and Beguiles Ts'ao Hsiu 406 (10) K'ung-ming Proposes to Renew the Attack on Wei: Chiang Wei Defeats an Army by Means of a Forged Letter 416 (11) Death of Wang Shuang: K'ung-ming's Victory at Ch'ents'ang 427 (10) Chuko Liang Wins a Great Victory: Ssuma I Invades Shu 437 (11) The Han Soldiers Raid a Camp and Defeat Ts'ao Chen: Chuko, in front of the Array, Shames Ssuma 448 (11) Going out from Shensi, Chuko Dresses as a God: Dashing toward Chienko, Chang Ho Falls into a Snare 459 (12) Ssuma Occupies the River Banks: Chuko Constructs ``Bullocks'' and ``Horses'' 471 (13) Ssuma Surrounded in Shangfang Valley: Chuko Invokes the Stars in the Wuchang Plain 484 (12) A Star Falls as Chuko Liang Ascends to Heaven: A Wooden Image Affrights Ssuma I 496 (9) The Plan of the Silken Bag: The Bronze Statue with the Dew Bowl 505 (12) Defeat and Death of Kungsun Yuan: Pretended Illness of Ssuma I 517 (12) Ssuma I Recovers Political Power: Chiang Wei is Defeated at Niut'ou Hills 529 (12) Ting Feng's Swordsmen Win a Victory in the Snow: Sun Hsun Executes a Murderous Plan at a Banquet 541 (9) Ssuma Surrounded: A Han Leader Employs an Unexpected Ruse: The King Dethroned: Retribution for the Wei Family 550 (10) Wen Yang Repulses the Enemy: Chiang Wei Defeats His Opponent 560 (10) Teng Ai Outwits Chiang Wei: Chuko Tan Thinks it is His Duty to Destroy Ssuma Chao 570 (8) Yu Ch'uan Dies Nobly at Shouch'un: Chiang Wei Fights Fiercely at Ch'angch'eng 578 (9) Ting Feng's Plan to Slay Sun Ch'en: Chiang Wei Defeats Teng Ai 587 (10) King Mao Drives to His Death: Chiang Wei Abandons Stores and Conquers 597 (9) The King Listens to Slander and Recalls His Army: Chiang Wei Takes Command of the Cantonments and Escapes Death 606 (9) Chung Hui Divides His Army: Apparition of Wu Hou 615 (9) Teng Gets through Yinp'ing Pass: Chuko Dies at Mienchu 624 (11) A Filial Prince Dies: Jealousy between Leaders 635 (9) False Desertion: A Subtle Scheme: A Second Abdication Resembles the First 644 (12) A Veteran offers New Plans: Sun Hao Surrenders and the Three States Re-unite 656
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