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Languages > English > Road to Freedom (CD-ROM),The
Road to Freedom (CD-ROM),The

Road to Freedom (CD-ROM),The
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This informative title is an interactive multimedia CD-ROM detailing the struggles, sacrifices and the ordeals of the millions who singly and collectively fought against British imperialist tradition.

To give a complete perspective to this heroic struggle, The Road to Freedom gives due mention to the sailing into India of Vasco da Gama, which may very well have been what motivated other European colonists to cast their eyes upon a land of riches, a land of the rajas and the maharajas.

To facilitate easy viewing and to do justice to such an extensive subject, the CD-ROM is set into 7 major sections:

1. The places that played a key role in the freedom movement2. The British Administrators, their rules and policies3. The Leaders of Freedom4. The Road that Led to Freedom5. The Chronology of Events6. The Sessions of the Congress7. Landmarks and Memorials

Incorporating easy navigability through the story and between various sections this CD contains rare video footage of freedom fighters such as Pandit Nehru, Mahatama Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose and may others. The CD-ROM begins with a video footage o the teeming masses rising in great numbers against the British Authorities.

The CD-ROM contains Over 750 Photographs and over 300 pages of text, newspaper clips, and a quiz, all presented in a simple and effective manner. The voice-over will carry you through various sections of this extraordinary CD.

A must for every Indian household.

Product ID: 45749
Categories: Children's Books, Software - Windows
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Windows 95/98, CD-Rom, Windows 2000, Windows ME
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