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Rembetiko (Subtitled) - Greek DVD

Rembetiko (Subtitled) - Greek DVD
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After winning the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 1984, Costas Ferris' evocative film sparked a rediscovery of rembetika music, a form of urban Greek expression akin to American blues in its passionate, soulful delivery and its associations with the plight of the poor and marginalized. The film follows a Greek singer's remarkable career from the backstreet taverns of Piraeas to the nightclubs of New York. Award-winning Greek actress Sotiria Leonardou stars as Marika, a singer whose family immigrated to Greece from Smyrna, where rembetika has its musical roots. Rembetiko is enchanting yet melancholy, stark but smoldering--much like the music itself. "The film's sound is as rich as its color" (Los Angeles Times). In Greek with English subtitles.

Product ID: 110189
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Greek (Modern)
Platforms/media types: DVD
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