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Languages > Spanish > Policarpo y el tio Pablo

Policarpo y el tio Pablo
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By Poli Delano Poli Delano is a Chilean writer that narrates a series of seven stories for children, based on his life with the pot Pablo Neruda, when their families lived in Mexico. Remembering his paren's relationship with the poet, Delano wrote: "During 1936, the year I was born, my parents lived in Madrid. One of their best friens was the poet Pablo Neruda, that was working there as Consul of chile. During the first months of pregnancy, my mother's womb grew fast and they started talking about me in their nights' gatherings. Would I be a boy or a girl? What name would they give me? Neruda thoughts I would be a boy so he proposed the name Policarpo. So in those night gatherings my parents and their friends started referring to me as Policarpo."

Product ID: 107348
Categories: Children's Books, Kids
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
paperback, 50 pages
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