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Pimsleur Spanish Plus (Audio CD)

Pimsleur Spanish Plus (Audio CD)
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The late Dr. Paul Pimsleur was much more than a language teacher. He did research on how both children and multi-lingual adults learn languages and discovered key principles that unlocked the mystery of how we learn languages. The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.

Product ID: 104948     ISBN-10: 0743505034
Categories: Learn, Learn > Advanced, Pimsleur
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Audio CD
Specifications: 5 Audio CD's
With more than 250 million native speakers worldwide, Spanish is the world's second most common language of study for Americans A member of the Romance family of languages, Spanish has it roots in Latin. Over the centuries the language acquired elements and influences from the Moors, Goths, and many others, evolving into the modern language known as espaņol or castellano. In addition to being the official language of Spain, Spanish is also the official language of most countries in the Americas, being widely spoken from Mexico and the southern United States all the way to Chile and Argentina. There are, of course, noticeable dialectical differences in the Spanish spoken from country to country, mostly in the pronunciation of certain sounds and colloquial vocabulary, but the regional differences are not significant enough to prevent speakers from different countries from easily understanding one another. The Spanish on the Pimsleur tapes represents a standard "educated" Spanish that will be easily understood by any native speaker. The native speakers on the recordings are from Latin American countries, but their pronunciation is clear and free of "giveaway" accents. By imitating their pronunciation you will develop a speaking ability that will make you understood practically anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world.
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