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Languages > English > Movies/Videos > Drama > Persian Gulf - Images of a Conflict,The
Persian Gulf - Images of a Conflict,The

Persian Gulf - Images of a Conflict,The
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Sold only as a collectible four-volume set. 6 hours 30 mins. Volume 1: Prelude to War. This first program prophetically introduces us to Saddam Hussein in a rare interview with Diane Sawyer which predated the invasion of Kuwait by several weeks. The program then takes us on a time trip through the invasion, the UN resolutions, the debates in both Houses, and the war of words between the US and Iraq--finally culminating in the eventful night of January 16, 1991, when the bombs began to fall. Volume 2: The Allies Strike. And now the war begins. Some of the footage contained in this volume has not yet been seen on television and includes reports from Saudi Arabia, Baghdad, and other areas of the Middle East as well as reactions at home. Volume 3: Saddam Hussein vs. the Coalition behind the Military Strategies. How was the war really fought? What were Hussein's tactics, and where did he fail? This is an analysis that graphically explains the methodology used to wage one of the most comprehensive wars in history. Volume 4: A Conversation with General Schwarzkopf. This is an historic interview, conducted by Barbara Walters, which probes the mind and soul of the man who has achieved almost unprecedented historic military status. No other interview with the General, to date, has proven to disclose so much. This last volume is a fitting conclusion to the entire series.

Product ID: 19097
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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