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Languages > French > Movies/Videos > People vs Paul Crump,The

People vs Paul Crump,The
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A powerful documentary--the debut film by William Friedkin (French Connection, To Live and Die in L.A.)--The People vs Paul Crump is an impassioned plea for mercy and justice, based on the true story of Paul Crump--a man who is still in Illinois prison. In 1953, five young black men robbed a food plant in the Chicago Stockyards. Their getaway went awry, one security guard was shot to death, and five employees were severely beaten. Within a week, all five were arrested. The fifth man, Paul Crump, then 22, was sentenced to die in the electric chair. He is sentenced to life in prison, and was at the brink of execution some 15 times between 1953 and 1962. William Friedkin met Paul Crump in jail, and so believed in his innocence, his record of rehabilitation as a model prisoner and his worth as a human being, that he made this artistic tour-de-force which is an impassioned plea for Crump's return to society.

Product ID: 15140
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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