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Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace

Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
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"Finding peaceful solutions to the world's increasingly complex problems will be a huge task, which must also be based upon knowledge, experience and research . I hope that this important new Encyclopedia will reach a global lay audience as well as policy makers and academic experts and encourage many thousands of readers to study further and work harder for the peace on which our whole future depends ." -From the Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

This innovative, multivolume encyclopedia charts the interdisciplinary field of Peace Studies, offering a comprehensive survey of the full range of historical, political, theoretical and philosophical issues relating to peace and conflict. All major figures are covered, as well as major events, organizations, theories, and much more. Each entry is signed by a leading scholar in the field, contains a bibliography for further reading, and is cross-referenced with other useful points of interest within the encyclopedia. In addition to A-to-Z entries, the Encyclopedia also includes a peace chronology, key documents and appendices.

Key subjects covered include: world leaders (Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Mead, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, Jr., Lucretia Mott); major events (Cuban Missile Crisis, Dayton Accords, Good Friday Agreement, Lebanon Hostage Crisis); organizations (Greenpeace, League of Nations, United Nations, Save the Children, International Committee of the Red Cross); theories (Civil Disobedience, Conscientious Objection, Feminism and Peace, Power and Nonviolence Theory, Eco-Pacifism, Gay Rights); and current events (Chemical and Biological Weapons, Human Rights, War Crimes, Terrorism).


  • Includes an invaluable foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • Over 850 A-Z entries signed by leading scholars makes this set the authoritative and essential resource on peace studies
  • Includes an indispensable Timeline, Index, Glossary, and Appendices
  • International in scope, both in coverage and authorship, ensuring a comprehensive research experience
  • Written clearly and accessibly, the Encyclopedia will appeal not only to scholars and professionals, but to all who are concerned by a subject of such vital importance for our global future
  • Fully cross-referenced with complete bibliography for each entry to guide further reading

    Product ID: 502753
    Category: Encyclopedia
    Supporting language: English
    Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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