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Languages > Cantonese (Chinese) > Movies/Videos > Action > Once Upon a Time in China III

Once Upon a Time in China III
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Set in China during the last half of the troubled 1800s, this film centers on the evil Empress Dowager and her eunuch, Li Hung Cheung. The two decide to hold a competition of Lion Dance, a form of martial arts. This leads to much chaos and fighting as the different Lion Dance schools prepare for the competition. Meanwhile, Wong Fei-Hong (Jet Li), China's leading Lion Dancer, is busy defending his father's Lion Dance school against a band of gangsters when his girlfriend (Rosamund Kwan) discovers a Russian plot to assassinate the Lion Dancers. Lots of action, including Club-Foot's gravity-defying feats and a fight against the villains on an oil-covered floor. Cantonese with English subtitles.

Product ID: 27004
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Action
Supporting language: Cantonese (Chinese)
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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