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Languages > Hebrew > Movies/Videos > Drama > Noa At 17 (DVD)
Noa At 17 (DVD)

Noa At 17 (DVD)
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"NOA AT 17" projects the tension of Israeli society in the early 1950s and unfolds against the background of the ideological changes of the era. The film’s central character, Noa, is the daughter of a family caught up in this process. An individualist who challenges the collective ethos of her comrades in the Zionist youth movement, she struggles to preserve her independent identity. Praising individualism while examining its limits “NOA AT 17” is a powerful and provocative experience. (Noa Bat 17. Israel 1982. Color.)

Product ID: 502145
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hebrew
Platforms/media types: DVD
  • 86 mins
  • Hebrew with English subtitles
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
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