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Languages > Hindi > Movies/Videos > Drama > Nikaah

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Neelofar and Haider a budding poet are fellow students at university. Unknown to Haider, Neelofar is in love with her Cousin when Haider advances are rejected he withdraws and forgets his college romance. After a grand Nikkah Neelofar and Waseem's life hits a rough patch. While Neelofar awaits her husband in lonliness in search for the home she once dreamt of Waseem is busy trying to build his career as an architect. When Waseem fails to turn up for their first aniversary Neelofar confronts him only to be humiliated by him when in the heat of the moment he divorces her. In an attempt to rebuild her life as a writer Neelofar comes across Haider who is now an editor and publishes Neelofar's work. Haider takes the role of a friend philosopher and guide but still nurses a secret desire for Neelofar. She in turn reciprocates his feelings. In the mean time Waseem repents his actions and tries to convince her to marry him again.

Product ID: 43597
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: DVD
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