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Ni Hao, Volume 2 Workbook, 3rd Edition (Simplified)
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Ni Hao, Volume 2 Workbook, 3rd Edition (Simplified)

Ni Hao, Volume 2 Workbook, 3rd Edition (Simplified)

The student workbook for Ni Hao, Volume 2, provides a variety of activities using all four communication skills, corresponding to the lessons in the Ni Hao, Volume 2 textbook. Activities can be adapted to suit the needs of the class or the individual. Chinese characters are used in conjunction with pinyin throughout the book to reinforce the student’s reading and writing skills. Students are not required to write exclusively in characters, but are encouraged to use a combination of pinyin and characters. Characters learned are listed in the textbook in each lesson and included in the “Writing Exercise” section of the workbook. Both are illustrated with stroke order. This workbook is in simplified characters only.

Product ID: 503843     ISBN-13: 9781876739492
Categories: Learn, Learn > Intermediate
Supporting language: Chinese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: ISBN-13: 9781876739492 Publisher: ChinaSoft Published: 2008 Trim Size: 8.5 x 11 Format: Paperback Illustrations: B/W Illustrations
What's new in the 3rd Edition? * A new section "About Pinyin and characters" betters students' knowledge on pinyin rules and the origin of Chinese characters. * Two new review lessons were added for each end-semester sum up. * Offers a smoother transition from the introductory level to this elementary level, with stronger focus on the important sentence structure, but using a shorter vocabulary list. * The language introduced is more frequently and functionally repeated. * Settings and illustrations are closely related to students' daily life and are spiced with humor to lift students' learning spirit. Comics were also added to reinforce learning. * In the Workbook, exercises are now catered for individual sections in each lesson. New items introduced in each section are grouped for easy learning and handy referral. * In addition to exercises, each lesson includes both the listening and reading tasks for summative learning and testing. The settings of these tasks often poke fun at teenagers to incur laughter.
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