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Languages > French > Movies/Videos > Monster in the Forest - The Story of the Cyclop (DVD)
Monster in the Forest - The Story of the Cyclop (DVD)

Monster in the Forest - The Story of the Cyclop (DVD)
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In 1969, sculptor Jean Tinguely began an amazing artistic adventure with his wife, artist Niki de Saint Phalle. With help from a group of their artist friends, the pair started construction on the Cyclop in a park on the outskirts of Paris. The Cyclop is a monumental sculpture made of twisted metal, mirrors, stairways, footbridges, fountains, and a gigantic eye in the middle of the "forehead." Inside, an installation of noisy gears, unique gadgets, and riotous machines delights visitors. Nearly forgotten until filmmakers Louise Faure and Anne Julien rediscovered it for this sterling documentary, Tinguely's Cyclop remains a shining example of Nouveau Realisme. "This documentary makes the Cyclops come alive" (Paris Voice). In French with English subtitles.

Product ID: 106620
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: DVD
2005, 57 mins.
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