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Monkey and Rabbit Together in English and Chinese (traditional) Hardback

Monkey and Rabbit Together in English and Chinese (traditional) Hardback
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Mike Lockett (Author), Ming-Jen Hsu (Illustrations by), Beautifully illustrated, this picture book tells the fun-filled tale of two friends—monkey and rabbit—who have an adventure trying to rid themselves of their bad habits and eventually decide to accept each other the way they are. The unique storytelling style turns an old West African folktale into an exciting story for modern readers. Both the book and the accompanying audio CD are in English and Chinese, making it especially useful for those with interests in learning more about the Chinese language. Dr. Mike Lockett is an educator and international storyteller who has given more than 2,500 programs across the United States, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. He is the author of The Basics of Storytelling, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and Teddy Bear. He lives in Normal, Illinois. Ming-Jen Hsu was trained as an artist in Taiwan and the United States and is known for his work in landscapes and nature, exhibiting in solo and group art shows in both countries. He is the illustrator of The Iceberg, The Island, and The Tree and the Ivy.

Product ID: 502879     ISBN-13: 9789866483639
Category: Children's Books
Supporting languages: Chinese, English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
Specifications: Childrens: Folklore, Childrens: Fiction Age Range: 5 to 7 60 pages, Cloth, 8 x 11 60 Color Illustrations, Four-color Interior
Sample of story: Monkey and Rabbit were friends. They often got together just to talk. They liked talking to each other and their friendship was almost perfect except for two small problems. Monkey was fun to be with and always told good stories. From where he sat in the trees he could see all over the forest. He knew what was happening with each of the animals and liked sharing the gossip with rabbit. But he had a bad habit of scratching while he talked. He scratched his head. He scratched his belly. He scratched arms and even scratched his bottom. All the time he talked, he scratched, scratched, scratched. That was one of the problems! All of that scratching annoyed Rabbit. Rabbit ran all over the prairie. He knew what was happening in every den and every hole and in every clump of grass. He was always glad to share the news with his friend, Monkey. Like Monkey, Rabbit told good stories. But also like Monkey, Rabbit had an annoying habit. He always twitched and moved while he talked. He could not sit still. Rabbit was always flopping his ears all over. He kept turning his head around to look behind him. First he'd look one way. Then he'd look the other, and he'd always scrunch and wiggle his nose smelling the air when he talked. All of his wiggling was the second problem. Monkey had trouble looking at Rabbit while he talked to him.
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