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Modern Iraqi Arabic with MP3 Files (Paperback)

Modern Iraqi Arabic with MP3 Files (Paperback)
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Modern Iraqi Arabic with MP3 Files is an introductory textbook—suitable for classroom or self-study—for those with no previous knowledge of Arabic or those who know Arabic but want to learn the Iraqi dialect. A detailed discussion of the consonants, vowels, and other characteristics of Iraqi phonetics—including pronunciation exercises on the CD—serves the needs of travelers, businesspeople, diplomats, archaeologists, and scholars who want to learn to speak the language quickly and efficiently.

Using the dialect of middle-class Baghdad, twenty lessons are arranged in a story-like format and are based on everyday travel situations. From arriving at the airport to getting to the hotel, students will learn proper greetings and introductions; how to ask for directions, take a taxi, and tell time; and prepare for daily activities like visiting the bank, museum, post office, and restaurants. The book contains basic dialogue, grammar, vocabulary, drills, and an extensive glossary. A section of idiomatic phrases, accompanied by their cultural, religious, or proverbial explanations, offers insight into current Iraqi culture.

NEW TO THIS EDITION: -- Arabic script has been added so the reader has a choice of following the Arabic writing or the transcription in the Roman alphabet. -- Four entirely new lessons cover medical care, media (radio, television, and journalism), telephone conversations, and cultural and folkloric tales. -- All audio materials from the first edition—plus new audio materials for the new lessons—are included as MP3 files on a CD bound into the book.

Product ID: 109327     ISBN-13: 9781589011304
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn
Supporting language: Arabic
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
  • Book (Paperback)
  • 7 x 10
  • 368 pages
  • October 2006
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
    2390 Crenshaw Blvd., #813, Torrance, CA 90501 USA     Tel: 424-328-0063    

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