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Mann (DVD)

Mann (DVD)
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This is a story about Karan Dev (Aamir Khan) whi is a flamboyant playboy and uses every trick in the book to charm wealthy women who will shower him with expensive gifts and support his extravagant life style. There is only one problem though. Karan who is always looking for grreener pastures is already engaged to marry a billionares daughter to endsure a free flow for money for life.Karan is travelling from Singapore to Bombay abroad a ship to go back to his fiance.

On the same ship Priya Manisha Koirala) is also travelling to Bombay on her way to meet her fiance. Karan continues with his plundering ways and sets out tocharm and add Priya to his list of conquests. However after being snubbed by her he is enarmored b her disarming nature and with drawshis advances surprising himself. Both Karan and Priya try to distance themselves from each other and sail back to their respective spouses. But it is too late, cupid has struck and they are already in love with each other Karan and Priya decide to meet after six months to Marry each other. DO they Meet????

Product ID: 43436
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: DVD
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