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Making of a Guru,The

Making of a Guru,The
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This work attempts to recreate the story of Kelucharan’s life and achievements and to capture the flavor of the times which saw his genius blossom and his talent radiate, capturing the hearts of hundreds who came under his spell. The life story of Kelucharan Mohapatra, one of the main architects of the revival of Odissi dance, is intimately interwoven with important events of the cultural life of Orissa for the last sixty years. It is also the story of the development and recognition of the dance itself.

From the early years of apprenticeship and struggle to the Padma Vibhushan award which he received recently, Kelucharan’s artistic journey is one of continuous dedication and search for excellence. For him dance is sadhana, teaching his dharma. From his gurus he imbibed the essence, the passion and poetry of Odissi and these secrets he shares with his students. A great dancer, a brilliant choreographer, a patient teacher and above all, a fine person, Kelucharan’s wisdom and undemanding simplicity give him a unique vision and child-like purity.

The Making of a Guru attempts to recreate the story of Kelucharan’s life and achievements and to capture the flavor of the times which saw his genius blossom and his talent radiate, capturing the hearts of hundreds who came under his spell.

Product ID: 45738     ISBN-10: 8173043698
Categories: Art, Biographies
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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