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Macedonian - A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students 2Ed. book

Macedonian - A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students 2Ed. book
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This is the first comprehensive teaching grammar of standard Macedonian for English speakers, designed by an experienced teacher to be completed in one year of intensive study by beginning and intermediate students, with the average student taking one and one-half to two years to complete. The student who completes the textbook will have a basic knowledge of Macedonian language as well as an introduction to Macedonian life, culture, history, and literature. This textbook has sixteen chapters and complete glossaries in both English and Macedonian, and emphasizes learning language and culture together with all the basics of Macedonian grammar and common vocabulary. Also featured are lively continuing dialogues of a Macedonian family in Toronto, Canada, and in Skopje, Macedonia, and readings from Macedonian literature, folklore, poetry, and history.

There is a CD, sold separately, that complements the text and allows a student to learn on his/her own. It has the following helpful features: listening comprehension exercises, interactive exercises for self-study, a searchable dictionary (Macedonian -English/English-Macedonian ), links to the World Wide Web, photos, music, and video clips that bring alive Macedonia today. The CD runs on PCs using Windows 95/98 and requires 200 MB of free space for installation.

Product ID: 46631     ISBN-13: 9780299188047     ISBN-10: 0299188043
Categories: Learn, Learn > Beginners, Learn > Intermediate
Supporting language: Macedonian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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